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Leo MV

CLX Construction | Scarlet

CLX Construction | Scarlet

MZ3 Construction | Scarlet

MZ3 Construction | Scarlet

The Leo is a versatile, 3 hatch (4 hatch with optional bow mini hatch), cruising sea kayak with superb initial and progressive secondary stability, ample gear storage options, full deck lines and bungees, and an extremely comfortable cockpit with plenty of room to stretch your legs as you take on longer journeys or travel between play spots along a coastline.

At around 16' in length, and drawing influence from the Scorpio and Virgo, the Leo fits neatly between the two in the P&H range to offer a boat which allows the paddler to explore all avenues of sea kayaking comfortably.

Leo is available in both MZ3 and CoreLite X constructions; MZ3 represents excellent value with impressive impact resistance and durability, whilst CoreLite X increases hull stiffness and reduces weight, enhancing the performance of our leading hull designs for a more responsive kayak.


  • MZ3 Skeg (MKII Skeg Slider)
  • CoreLite X Skeg (MKII Skeg Slider)
  • CoreLite X Skudder (MKII Skeg Slider)

Learn More About Constructions

Also available in the following sizes
Leo HV
Additional Options
  • Mini Hatch (Included in CLX)
  • Silva 70p Compass
  • Sail System

Key Features

16' length for a hull that's both readily manageable and efficient.

Impressive primary stability, and intuitively progressive secondary stability.

Comfortable and spacious cockpit ergonomics.

Moderate rocker for good manoeuvrability in surf and on journeys.

A full compliment of features, including compass recess, decklines and bungees, and split paddle recesses.

The option of Skeg or Skudder in CoreLite X constructions.

Also available in MZ3 with Skeg for those on a budget or looking for simple durability.

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Standard Colours


Tahoe Blue

Length 487cm
Width 56cm
Deck Size XL
CoreLite X From: 27.5kg
MZ3 From: 29kg
Max Paddler Weight 110kg
Features & Options
Hatches Bow, Stern, Day, Mini (Included in CLX)
Control Skeg, Skudder (CLX option)
Custom Colour Deck Lines & Elastics Black, White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Bright Blue, Navy, Grey
Other Silva 70p Compass, Sail System

Text highlighted blue are optional extras.
*Due to the manufacturing process weights can vary by +/- 1.5kg. Published weights relate to Skeg models with no additional options; for example, the Skudder System adds approximatley 0.5kg to the overall weight.

Length 15' 11"
Width 22"
Deck Size XL
CoreLite X From: 60lb
MZ3 From: 64lb
Max Paddler Weight 242lb
Features & Options
Hatches Bow, Stern, Day, Mini (Included in CLX)
Control Skeg, Skudder (CLX option)
Custom Colour Deck Lines & Elastics Black, White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Bright Blue, Navy, Grey
Other Silva 70p Compass, Sail System

Text highlighted blue are optional extras.
*Due to the manufacturing process weights can vary by +/- 1.5kg. Published weights relate to Skeg models with no additional options; for example, the Skudder System adds approximatley 0.5kg to the overall weight.
