Found myself with some time off of work and a great forecast so jumped in the car and headed for the Isle of Skye on the west coast of Scotland.
Load the Cetus MV with 3 days food and camping equipment and headed out from Elgol. We launched at about 8pm and headed to the foot of the Black Cullin Mountains for our first camp. Over the next 3 days we had some stunning scenery as our backdrop, met a Basking Shark, saw otters, sea eagles, Puffins and more.
The paddling was great lots of sea stacks, caves and natural arches combined with 250m+ cliffs. Truely a trip to remember. I hope you like the photos. Which are all courtesy of Karl Midlane my paddling partner for the trip.

Cheers Sid

View from Elgol

The paddle to camp 1

The Black Cullin as the sun sets

Idyllic paddling at the foot of the mountains

An evening paddle to cherish

Basking shark of Wiay island as we approach camp 2

He didn't seem bothered by us. We sat still and he would return as he filtered the sea

About to land for camp 2

Macleod's Maidens at about 8am

The light house at Neist point

Sea Cliffs beyond Neist point

Early morning view of Fladda-ChuainAnother tough day at the office!

Another tough day at the office!

The distant hills of Harris act as a back drop to Fladda-Chuain

Approaching Eilean Trodday

Sea Stacks off of Eilean Trodday

About to turn the last corner and make the final crossing to end our quick hit.

The trusty steed at rest after a great trip!