On June 1, I will officially start my new job as a road warrior for P&H and Venture kayaks. This weekend I got a little taste of the job when I flew out to work an event at Collinsville Canoe and Kayak. Great people, sunshine and fun times. Click here to get the whole story.
Month: April 2009 Page 1 of 2
The weather is incredible warm here in northern Germany at the moment. We´ve had a weekend that could compare to a warm summer day. So we went cruising on our home lakes. Just great.
rest on a meadow
Haoin the new Cetus under a Cherry tree
After returning from a hectic weekend of non-stop input & thought provocation, I am now filled with ideas and questions.
The European paddle pass systaem, has been adopted here in Denmark as in many other mainland european countries. After passing the L2 seakayak instructor exam last year, I have been waiting to find out how the coach training here in Denmark would be compared to coach training under the new BCU system. Well I arrived Friday evening to find five other trainees and three coaches, so from the very start it was an intensive process with such a high trainer to trainee ratio. Denmark has more than its fair share of top instructors with a diverse background. Over the course of the weekend we worked on:
- The 5 B’s
- Coaching
- Levels (What seperates a level 2 paddler from a level 3 paddler etc.)
- Assessment
- Feedback
During Sunday morning the 6 trainees delivered a 20 minute session that we had prepared before arriving on the course, it was great fun and really exciting, it is not that often that you get to teach 5 other coaches & 3 top trainers.
It was great to see two other trainees in matching Bahiyas (The Bahiya boys….. :-).)
I will post more about the weekend and the VAKs, Bs and other starnge sounding subjects on my own site as time allows.